News and Announcements

PhD Candidate Awarded 1st Place at OE3C

PhD Candidate Michelle Lavery was awarded 1st place in the Oral Presentatin category at the 49th Ontario Ecology, Ethology, and Evolution Colloquium (OE3C) for her talk on "Identifying enriched housing conditions for zebrafish (Danio rerio) that vary along a scale of preference". The OE3C is an event for researchers at all stages of their careers, from undergraduate to graduate to faculty and highlights research in ecology, evolution, conservation, behavior, environmental sciences, genetics, molecular and cellular biology, and psychology.

May Journal Articles from Animal Biosciences

The Department of Animal Biosciences conducts outstanding research in the areas of nutrition, nutrition modelling, physiology, molecular biology, biotechnology, welfare and behavior, breeding, genetics and meat science. The following is a list of journal articles published from members of the Department of Animal Biosciences in the month of May-have a read!


PhD Candidate George Hall Featured in Hybrid Turkeys Article

ABSc PhD candidate George Hall was recently featured in an article from Hybrid Turkeys on the use of ovarian transplantation as a possible solution for the preservation of valuable turkey genetic lines. The project is a collaborative effort between U of G (Hall and his advisor Prof. Grégoy Bédécarrats) and industry partners Hybrid Turkeys (Dr. Ben Wood) and the United States Department of Agriculture-Agriculture Research Service (Dr. Julie Long).

ISES 2019-May 27 Blog Post

This weeks ISES 2019 blog post is from BBRM students Jamie Meilach and Samantha White, who discuss the importance of farm staff attendees at equitation science conferences and the knowledge they bring from the ground up. Check it out!  -->

ISES 2019 -May 20th Blog Post

This week's ISES 2019-Guelph blog post comes from our very own Prof. Katrina Merkies on "Communicating science to horse owners and managers". 

Don't forget, the early bird deadline for conference registration is fast approaching! Register by June 1 for the reduced rate!

ISES 2019 Blog

In preparation for the 15th International Society for Equitation Science (ISES) Conference being held this August at U of G, an ISES 2019-Guelph blog has been created which highlights the work of some of this year's participants. A new blog post is available every Monday with this week's entry focusing on equine behaviour expert Dr. Andrew Maclean (pictured below).


Agri-Food Excellence Symposium - Infographic Poster Competition

Food from Thought and the Arrell Food Institute are pleased the announce the launch of the Infographic Poster Competition being held as part of the Agri-Food Excellence Symposium at the University of Guelph, June 24-26, 2019. 

Audiences at this event are expected to be senior industry executives, senior government and policy personnel, leaders in research and science, academics, and not-for-profits, among others.

April Journal Articles from Animal Biosciences

The Department of Animal Biosciences conducts outstanding research in the areas of nutrition, nutrition modelling, physiology, molecular biology, biotechnology, welfare and behavior, breeding, genetics and meat science. The following is a list of journal articles published from members of the Department of Animal Biosciences in the month of April-have a read!

Bowl for Kid's Sake Success!

The Bowl for Kid's Sake-Big Brothers Big Sisters of Guelph was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who stepped up to the plate to donate and participate so enthusiastically for a great cause. In total, our teams the Alley Cats (Grad Students) and Animal Crackers (Faculty/Staff) raised $1600 towards BBBS of Guelph mentoring programs for children.

With a split of the 2 games it looks like we are headed for a rubber match soon!!  

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