News and Announcements

New Graduate Course! ANSC*6550

This course focuses on learning how to conduct a meta-analysis via experiential learning, via ‘doing’ – the major activity of this course being for students to produce a draft of a publishable meta-analysis paper in their research area by the end of the semester.

One Health at the University of Guelph

Are you interested in the complex health challenges facing society? Do you have a passion for animal, human, and environmental health? One Health recognizes that we can improve life by understanding that the health of animals, humans, and the environment depend on one another. It aims to create solutions that improve health in all three areas and not just one. These types of solutions require people across a variety of sectors and fields to work together.  

Fall Internal Scholarship Opportunities - deadline extended to Nov 6

Graduate Students,

The application deadline for the following internal award opportunities have been extended from Oct 17 to Nov 6:

Abell Pest Control Scholarship in Lyme Disease Research (I5980)
Due: Nov 6 (to OGPS)
Value: 1 award of $5,000
Details: Students registered in any program offered by the College of Biological Science or the Ontario Veterinary College or the Ontario Agriculture College conducting research in Lyme disease.

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